New Arrivals: Crumpets, Britney and Sonny!
Meet Crumpets, Britney and Sonny! They came from an egg farm where they would have lived with hundreds of other chickens. This was their first ever time outside and they loved it!
Chickens thrive on having a pecking order: a hierarchy of dominance. This helps them to know where they stand socially and helps give order to their interactions. When there are too many chickens, like when there are hundreds in a shed at a farm, it means the chickens can’t create a true pecking order. This affects their ability to learn social skills, increases stress and frustration and means that aggression and bullying are more likely to occur.
Crumpets, Britney and Sonny seem to be struggling with knowing how to “chicken” - it will take time for them to learn how to interact with other chickens, how to enjoy digging around and investigating the world around them.
It’s heartbreaking to think of them stuck in a shed without enrichment or outside space, however we will support them as they figure out how to live their best lives in safety. No-one will ever exploit them again.
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