Sponsor Matilda and her family!
Matilda having a snooze in the mud
Ed Winters and Surge Media have created a wonderful new short film, narrated by Bella Ramsey, showcasing Matilda’s journey to freedom.
Although the film is animated, Matilda’s story is real. She escaped from a real farm here in the UK in a fight for freedom against a life of exploitation for her and her piglets.
Matilda and her piglets have a forever home here at the sanctuary, where they will never be exploited again.
Housing a family of 8 pigs is expensive, we have had a shelter custom-built so that the family can all stay together with three different paddocks to rotate through, giving them access to lots of yummy grass all year-round. There are ongoing costs of bedding, feed and veterinary care. Matilda is now five and her piglets are three. They have been treated for early onset arthritis in the past year, sadly due to their genetics of being bred to be large for the awful industry that they were born into. This will be a large ongoing cost as the family get older to manage their conditions.
The best way you can support Matilda is by purchasing a sponsor pack. Take a look at our sponsor packs by clicking the button below!
Did you know that Matilda also has some amazing mug designs? You can purchase these through our online shop!
The Sanctuary is fully funded through donations and merchandise sales only. Please help us to look after all of our residents by setting up a monthly donation!
If you haven’t seen it already, you can watch the film below: